Who We Are

Friends of the New Orleans Public Library is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The only entity that we financially support is the New Orleans Public Library.

All memberships and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Non-discrimination Statement: FNOPL is committed to maintaining a culture of diversity and equity within our organization. Everyone is part of our story. Our strength is our promise to be inclusive – welcoming all identities and cultures. No matter who you are, where you are from, what color your skin is or who you love – we believe you are an integral part of our community and deserve to be treated with respect.

Board of Directors:
President: Jennifer Kitner
Vice President: Courtney Kearney
Secretary: Jeanetta Bryant
Treasurer: Steve Martin

Larkin Page, PhD
Dana Trosclair

Executive Director: Shannan Cvitanovic
Development Director: Louise Saenz
Book Sale Manager: Daniel Neathery